It is important for us to make sure that ISO is more than just a paperwork exercise & that it helps us to improve processes & service delivery. This year we smashed our target for CSAT target (customer satisfaction % for those who don’t know the acronym!) so much so that this years target is to maintain current levels! In 2020 we had a score of 95.8% so we set a target for 97% satisfaction. We surpassed this by quite some margin & the live score today stands at 98.8%. We are incredibly proud of this & is a real testament to how our staff care about delivering a positive outcome for clients. It’s not all about the technology, we are focused on you & your people.
At the start of the pandemic when everyone had to start working from home, naturally this was very easy for us to implement & we had all the necessary tools to get homeworking operational. With some clients, who maybe hadn’t fully embraced the cloud yet, there was a little more work to do, however we made it happen.
One thing that became clear, is that with people working in multiple locations was a challenge to overcome with inter-team & inter-departmental communications within the business.